每年,贝勒大学向成绩优异的学员提供超过 750 万美元的慷慨奖学金,包括以下几种奖学金项目:
金额:一年约60,000 美元,包括学费、杂费、食宿费用,以及对出国留学、研究和任务的支持。
成绩要求:ACT 34 或 SAT 1500
第一、在11 月 2日前提交完整的贝勒申请和向荣誉学院的申请。
第二、在 11 月 10日之前提交 2021 奖学金计划申请,表明对 Getterman 学者计划感兴趣。需要上传一个3分钟的视频,选择回答以下问题中的一个:
- C.S. Lewis invites Christians to ask “how it is right…for creatures who are every moment advancing either to heaven or to hell, to spend any fraction of the little time allowed them in this world on such comparative trivialities as literature or art, mathematics or biology.” Why is this a reasonable, even urgent, question to ask? What Christian reasons are there for a university education? How would Baylor’s Honors College prepare you to address Lewis’s question favorably and confidently, and with what results for your life beyond college?
- Dorothy Sayers said, “Theology is the mistress-science, without which the whole educational structure will necessarily lack its final synthesis.” What does she mean? Why is her view important? Giving concrete examples, how might theology complete and fulfill learning in other disciplines? Why does Sayers’ vision of education matter for the kind of study and preparation that you hope to pursue in Baylor’s Honors College?
2、Invitation to Excellence
成绩要求:ACT 32 或 SAT 1420
- “To whom much is given, much is required.” – Luke 12:48. What does this verse mean to you as a soon-to-be college student?
- “Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” – T.S. Elliot. Tell us about a risk you’ve taken and the outcome.
- Celebrate your […] side. Choose a word that describes you and explain the word and how you have celebrated this aspect of yourself.
3、Baylor2Baylor Medical Program
金额:被选中的六名学生中的两名将获得价值40,000美元的奖学金(在他们 4 年的本科学习中每一年分配 10,000 美元);其他四人将获得价值12,000美元的奖学金(4年本科每年分配3,000 美元)。进入贝勒医学院后,其中两名学生将有资格再次获得价值 40,000美元的奖学金。
成绩要求:ACT 32 或 SAT 1430,并且拥有 3.7 GPA 或排名前 5%。
4、Baylor2Baylor Law Program
金额:被选中的学生将获得40,000 美元的奖学金(贝勒大学四年本科学习每年 10,000 美元),同时获得贝勒法学院学位的全额学费奖学金。
成绩要求:ACT 30 或 SAT 1360;在贝勒本科课程中保持 3.6 的累积 GPA;在 LSAT 考试中至少获得 162 分。另外,申请人需在贝勒大学入学后的 6 年内被贝勒法学院录取。
- Why are you interested in attending Baylor University and Baylor Law School?
- Discuss why you are interested in a career in the legal profession.
5、Baylor2Baylor Seminary Program
这是神学院为选择宗教作为主修或辅修并打算从事基督教职业事工的准学生提供的奖学金。每年只选出一名学生,可获得10,000美元的奖学金(5,000 美元/学期),如果保持至少 3.0 GPA,则可续签最多四年(总计 40,000 美元)。
成绩要求:ACT 27 或 SAT 1280
6、Distinguished Scholars Day
成绩要求:ACT 27-31 或 SAT 1260-1390申请要求:这个奖项不限定专业和学院,几乎所有新生都可以申请。在本科网申填写中,奖学金计划可以自动被选中,成绩优异的学生会获得奖学金。