每个学生的教育之路都是独特的,充满了无数的机遇和挑战。对于J同学来说,他的高中时光在学术上并不成功。尽管他在美国度过了高中岁月,但他的GPA只有2.95,托福成绩为69,SAT为1070。这样的成绩,对于许多美国大学而言,可能是不足以入选的。 但是,当续航教育的顾问与J同学深入交流时,我们发现了一个与成绩完全不符的青年。他充满了热情和进取心,对未来有着明确的目标和计划。他告诉我们,他知道自己的成绩不好,但他真心希望能够进入大学,好好学习,珍惜这个难得的机会。 对于续航教育而言,我们始终相信,每一个学生都值得被认真对待。J同学的成绩固然不佳,但他的热情和决心是无法被忽视的。在帮...
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Arizona State University- Tempe is one of the largest public school in the nation with around 72,000 students enrolled at the 2016 fall semester. Whether it’s private or public, ASU is ranked very high for research universities across the country. ASU have spectacular economic, social, health, and cultural studies and makes a very well rounded school. ASU has a high admissions rate of 83%. Students are preferred to have a 3.49 GPA and a 1210 SAT off of the new scale.